3430 St. Michael Drive NW, Canton OH 44718-3099

Liturgy Committee

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy committee seeks to create an atmosphere in which the worshipping assembly can experience God in a spirit of celebration at each parish liturgy. The committee desires to enable and encourage members of the parish to recognize and grow in the ministries to which they have been called by baptism.

Liturgy Committee ministry includes the following:

  1. Liturgical Preparation - general preparation for the seasons and specific preparation for individual celebrations.
  2. Liturgical Catechesis - providing information so that the people of the parish understand what is taking place and the reasons for it.
  3. Liturgical Evaluation - an ongoing process of determining the needs of the worshipping community and the effects of the celebrations that have been planned.
  4. Committee Formation - continual educational and spiritual formation of committee members.
  5. Environment and Art - planning and installing the liturgical environment for seasonal and particular celebrations.
  6. Preparation and formation of Liturgical Ministers - planning and implementing workshops for those who wish to become liturgical ministers and for the enrichment and continued formation of those presently serving in these ministries.

Membership on the Liturgy Committee involves: 

  1. A basic knowledge of liturgical principles, which can be acquired through reading, study and experience, and a willingness to continue learning. 
  2. An appreciation and a love for liturgy done well. 
  3. A desire to help create good community worship in the parish. 
  4. A deep respect for those to whom and with whom we minister and for those who are part of the ministry of the assembly.
  5. A strong commitment to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). 

There is a definite commitment of time involved, however working on the Liturgy Committee is interesting, fun, and fulfilling, allowing much opportunity for creativity as well as for personal and communal spiritual growth.

The Liturgy Committee meets on the average of two times per month, from September to June. Meetings are held, usually, on Monday nights at 5:30 PM. The Committee also meets to prepare the seasonal environment in the worship space. This is usually at 8:00 AM on a Saturday morning. Please contact Trevor Ivan at 330-492-3119 for further information.

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